Club Baccara

Baccara – One of the Best Clubs in Town?

A Spanish band Baccara became popular at the end of the 70-ies, the most famous hits being «Cara Mia», «Sorry I’m A Lady». Baccara sold the most copies of their single and featured in the Guiness Book of World Records, as the highest selling female band. The first studio album that became platinum twice was released in 1977. At the same time Baccara performed at a prestigious music festival in Tokyo, where they ended up being 14 th.In 1978 Baccara were representing Luxembourg at the Eurovision song contest, where they came 7 th. Starting from late 70-ies the band often on TV, loved by European as well as the Soviet. Baccara is one of the most impressive clubs in town. The owners also run Baccara in Bangkok, and they have a created a unique concept that has the potential to be a great go-go bar. It seems to have almost everything a go-go club needs to be successful.

Baccara is one of the most impressive clubs in town. The owners also run Baccara in Bangkok, and they have a created a unique concept that has the potential to be a great go-go bar. It seems to have almost everything a go-go club needs to be successful. There are two floors, effectively two clubs in one, as each floor has a different ambiance.

Downstairs Bar

The downstairs area has a large central stage, but no shower, jacuzzi or play area. There’s about 20 girls dancing in rotation. The stage is big enough for a dozen girls or more, but there’s usually eight go-go dancers on stage, dressed in bikinis and fish net stockings, and high heels. Some nights the bikini and stockings are white, other nights the outfit is black. Pretty standard stuff. The girls are attractive enough and reasonably friendly. There’s great service, good music that doesn’t make conversation impossible, and reasonable drinks prices.

Upstairs Bar

The upstairs area has a sunken dance stage with a glass floor and fireman’s pole for rapid descent to the lower floor. If you’re in the right position on either floor, you can see the dancers on both floors.

The girls outfit on the upper floor is different, a short skirt and bikini top made of a see-through material, and ankle length basketball style shoes and socks. Quite different from the ground floor girls’ outfits, and it’s obviously designed for more fun and action. The girls generally remove their bikini top, and don’t wear panties. When the opportunity arises, they create their own fun and games, swinging on the chrome poles, and engaging in all kinds of simulated sex acts.

Add to this some loosely choreographed shows later in the evening, basically different costumes, and some new moves and you have the recipe for a great evenings entertainment.

Separate Identities

The two bars are operated separately. The downstairs girls have two digit id numbers, while the upstairs girls all have 3 digit ID numbers, (315, 411, etc). The girls generally stay on their own floor, although on one evening the upstairs bar was closed and the upstairs girls took their turn with the downstairs girls on the lower stage. Occasionally, girls from the lower floor are invited to come sit upstairs with customers.

Since the opening in December there have been a few changes to the upstairs layout, with the addition of two small dancing stages, but they are not well positioned and get little attention from customers.

Initial impressions

The initial impression when you walk into the club, is a formal atmosphere, a large central dance floor, male serving staff, and no play area. This cool, somewhat inhibiting atmosphere has an impact on the girls behaviour. They don’t spend much time making eye contact, they seem totally engaged in watching their own image in the wall mirrors, and chatting with their friends on stage. Great eye candy, but not a lot of fun if you are looking for interaction.

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I had more success making eye-contact with the girls on the floor above, while sitting in the downstairs section, as they flirted with me through the glass floor, lifting their microscopic skirts to reveal no panties and great contours.


Club baccala kcmo

The girls in the downstairs bar at Baccara are good looking but not exceptional as I would have expected. The successful clubs attract hot girls, but that doesn’t seem to be happening at Baccara. Perhaps the girls understand the reasons why, better than the owners. The girls are friendly enough, once you make the connection, but the initial impression is that connection seems harder to make here than at many of the other Pattaya go-go bars.

The upstairs girls are a lot more interested in interaction with customers. Their outfit suggests fun from the moment you see them. A lack of wall mirrors shifts their focus to customers, and the sunken dance floor means the dancers are at eye level with those sitting in the armchairs around the central stage. The upstairs bar also has about 20 dancers, with 8 girls rotating on stage. There seems to be a high turnover, with new faces there every time I visit the bar.

Fleet of Flying Notes

As part of the fun atmosphere on the upper floor, customers throw ฿20 notes or the more expensive ping pong balls, (for which the girls get ฿20 a piece). The girls shriek and squeal as they race around the floor trying to catch flying notes or bouncing balls.

On a recent visit, I took my friend, who is a go-go dancer at another Walking Street club. I wanted to get her insights on the layout of the club, and I thought she might enjoy a little fun time at another go-go club.

We took a bunch of ฿20 notes and spent a few minutes crafting paper airplanes from the notes. We had a great time launching the paper planes and watching the girls as they attempted to intercept the fleet of flying notes.

Club Baccara Cancun Mexico

A Great Club

With all the skill, experience, and ingenuity, not to mention expense, that went into creating Baccara, it should be the one of the best clubs in town, ranking alongside all the other great go-go clubs in Pattaya, like Airport, Peppermint, What’s Up, SuperGirl, Happy and Windmill. It’s certainly a great club, but it lacks the magic that you feel from the moment you walk into Airport, the energy that you feel at Peppermint, the almost endless stream of cute girls that Happy has, and a soul that permeates Windmill, ensuring every visit is a fun occasion.

While the service levels are very efficient, the male serving staff put a damper on activities. When there’s no service girls, there’s no opportunity to interact with them like at Windmill, or New Living Dolls, where it seems a part of the evenings entertainment.

A combination of men serving staff, a large central stage and girls who are more interested in their own reflection, than making eye contact, creates a formal almost hands-off, unfriendly feeling.

These criticisms may seem harsh, but at the end of the day, most go-go girls in Pattaya would like to interact with you in the style of Airport or Windmill, if only the infrastructure and the operational management allowed it.

Unexpected Encounters

I’ve had several impromptu interactions with girls at Baccara, that suggest they are willing but may be a little inhibited with the formality of the place.

On one evening, I was climbing up the spiral staircase, to the upper floor. I stopped to allow two of the girls to pass me. But, they were in no hurry to reach the lower floor and blocked my passage with their bodies, pinning me against the rail and smothering me with all kinds of affectionate embraces. An unexpected encounter that brought a big smile to my face!

Club Baccara Barcelona

Worth a Visit

Baccara is definitely worth a visit. While it’s clear that the owners are not trying to emulate the raunchy environment at clubs like BabyDolls and Windmill, they have a more formal, “up market” style in mind. The result is they have created an ambiance, at least in the downstairs area, that’s somewhat chilly and unfriendly. Most customers don’t make it, to the upstairs bar. So they miss out on the fun part of Baccara.

Time will tell how successful their concept will be .

Draught Beer, ฿59. Lady Drinks ฿120.

Club Baccara Zaandam

Baccara – GoGo
Walking Street, Between Soi 15 and 16, South Pattaya
opposite Soi B.J. and Soi Happy,
Pattaya, Thailand – 20150